Sunday, April 25, 2010

Spring Has Sprung!

We love spring here at the Deck household! Our garden is growing like wildfire and we've been eating our greens exclusively from it for a month now. Above is a patch of mache. Below, Gretel and I have a springtime laugh with friend Jaime.

Baby chard.
Choosing a book.
Breakfast at the Tappan-Pecks.

New spinach.
Casey's artsy shot.

A Flock of Barreds and a Coop

We have baby chicks at our house! We got a flock of Barred Rocks this time, 6 in total, hopefully all hens. Barreds are black with white spots, a beautiful gentle bird that lays nice brown eggs. Here's Gretel getting their feeder ready on the big day.

The coop is under construction. Below is Casey on day one.

And today it progresses further.

The girlies are growing fast! Gretel likes to watch them and her enthusiastic hollering often scares them a little. They will get used to that pretty quickly I'll bet!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Happy Birthday Grandpa Jim!

Have a great day Grandpa Jim! We grandkids in Portland are thinking of you and sending our love!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Nine Months Old

Yes folks, this is what a NINE MONTH OLD little girl looks like when she is just waking up from a nap. We can't believe she's already reached this landmark but nevertheless, it has happened!

Vital Stats:
18 pounds heavy
2 feet, 3 inches tall
44.6 cm head circumference
dark blonde hair
blue eyes
6 teeth

It seems like the past month has been a slow one for development. She continues to crawl like crazy, push chairs around the house, laugh and cry and shout. She loves curried lentil soup and pretty much every other food, along with baths and songs and playing the piano and snuggling with Mom and Dad. She is lifting her arms to be picked up, crying when we leave her at school (and immediately becoming happy again the moment we are out of sight), and sleeping a nice long 9 hour chunk during the night again (thank goodness!). All in all we think we got a pretty good one and we can't wait to spend the next nine months with Gretel around!