Thursday, February 4, 2010

Play Time...

Gretel never shys away from a good session of playing with her toys in the living room...

Here are a few of the latest:

Spilling out her toy basket with her trusty side kick Alistair...

After bath time! (especially fun)

The empty egg carton is a big favorite.

Alistair, Mamma and the June Bug before bed time...


  1. Oh my! Melt my heart with the watermelon dress!!!! How does she keep getting cuter? It's almost more than I can take! I need to see her more, that's all there is to it! Are you sure you don't want to bring her to Hillsboro once a week for day care? Maybe you could put her on the max and I'd pick her up at the stop by our house... ;)

  2. ...I think that either my mom or Gram Norma made that watermelon dress when I was Gretel's size!
