There's less than a month to go before we're a family of four! Our friend Andy took some belly pictures of me when we were at his house for dinner a few weeks ago. This is probaby a 34 week belly shot and I already feel significantly bigger. The midwife has informed us that this baby will likely be larger than Gretel's 6lbs 15oz. Makes me a bit nervous but I'm sure it will all go smoothly. We'll post pictures of the little nerd when he/she arrives!
With some help from Uncle Brian, we've finally trimmed out the upstairs and made some improvements so we could move our bedroom up there. It's a big enough space for us plus a nook for Baby Bambi (Gretel's newest favorite name) when he/she arrives. We feel downright spoiled by all the extra space!
The boys trimmed out the whole space and opened up the closet to make it more functional. Casey added electrical to the closet so that I could see my clothes, and I made curtains for the windows and closet. We even have light fixtures up there as well as in the hallway, and a handrail going down the stairs! Will wonders never cease??!
We spent Auntie Sally's birthday weekend with her and Roger in Astoria. We had a great visit, with lots of outings - to the park, to the beach and to the aquarium. Gretel and all thoroughly enjoyed themselves!