We've had such a plethara of local food in our world this summer - it's been wonderful! Casey has had the opportunity to go fishing several times and has so far brought back two big salmon and two big steelhead. We've had enough to eat right away, share with friends and we even smoked some too.
Below is a shot from our garden, a trombolina baby with bloom on. Pretty beautiful.

A typical day's bounty from our garden this year.

We had friends Wendy and Barb over for a local meal. Gretel loves their dogs!

We ate poisson freshly caught that day, the first time our platter has been used so appropriately! Also a faux nicoise salad, all ingredients from our garden.

The dinner partiers.

Speaking of food, here's Gretel when she accidentally opened the bag of O's by herself. Whoopsie!
Another dinner with friends, here's Wednesday Peck smiling at yummy local food.
Wednesday, Oscar and Gretel playing badminton.

Our favorite new neighbors, Jenn and Sid.

Gretel "cooking".